Re :
AEON of HORUS: The Occult History of NASA
I have taken the time to watch this twice and to double check all I thought I knew and to educate myself on that which I did not (in relation to all the info therein, that is).
Not sure where to begin...
Interesting video but far from all-seeing & all-truthful - at least, not in the ways that it attemps to imply it is.
That 'shiny thing'? (Say) it's on Antarctica - not Mars (for instance)...The problem being that ‘knowledge’ is filtered and interpreted by human kind (in the first instance) and ego does the rest...hence...
Humans are prone - especially if patriarchally inclined - towards power - a propensity to control and to be deemed almighty.
Truth IS truly hidden - it is also unspeakable - and IN ITS ENTIRETY it is wholly unknowable by those who would corrupt it for their own ends.
So…no - there is very little truth in most ‘secret societies’ - except towards a one world order that is corrupt in essence and creed. The real ‘secret society’ that which DOE_S hold the seeds of truth is and will remain truly hidden and will never seek to conspire against the spiritual evolvement of Human Collective and will not allow itself to be corrupted by the imbalance that permeates that which is outside of its S_ELF.
Consider…that every known secret order has been infiltrated and so…the Truth simply moves on…
But Truth is far sharper than the ties that would work to keep it bound!
Consider also - the double bluff!
There’s a little T-plot, short and stout - here’s a drop - don’t shout it out!
They seek it here they seek it there
It’s all around !
They’re unaware…
Crowley is all too often used as a distraction/diversion and & his philosophy is poorly understood by most people.
Crowley is also an interesting, multi-faceted character - but far too opposed & disinclined to convention and social institutions to be a threat to anything but himself - let alone the human race!
An occult ritual that brought fourth the era of flying saucers 18 months after the fact?
UAP have been in the skies - USOs in the seas - and EBEs within the midst & minds of humankind since the dawn of time…
For the sake of reason, there has to be an important distinction drawn between an institution and nefarious infiltrators of an institution. This is common sense and would be well to be understood & academically employed before proclamations of ill intent are made against an institution itself. The NASA is not the only institution - others, more important have been infiltrated and conspiracy theories have been actively created and disseminated about those institutions in order to undermine them...
Which brings us back to the infiltrate + annhiliate credo and the ways in which it corrupts and works to usurp and shut down the one thing they want so much but simply cannot have - the Truth…not a truth, or a number of truths…but Truth itself - that elusive Being that shies away from all who would use her for their own ends…
And so it goes…on and on and around and around…
The lies, the deceptions, the half truths and the perpetual cycle of instigating and maintaining the diversions - ergo, the status quo…
Furthermore, the perpetrators of these acts of sabotage are highly skilled in the psychology of mind and know that once seeded, a CONspiracy theorist will engage him/herself into weaving any credible evidence against an untruth that they have been programmed to believe into the actual narrative of their delusion in some manner! They are incredibly adept at perpetuating this cycle of disinformation.
[Conspire : late Middle English: from Old French conspirer, from Latin conspirare ‘agree, plot’, from con- ‘together with’ + spirare ‘breathe’.]
A little truth goes a long way in selling the lie…
[Sell : Old English sellan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Old Norse selja ‘give up, sell’. Early use included the sense ‘give, hand (something) over voluntarily in response to a request’.]